Terms & Conditions
Hall Hire Terms & Conditions
OLD HUTTON Public Hall
(Registered Charity No 222561)
The following terms and conditions are applicable to all bookings for Old Hutton Public Hall. The hirer must be at least 18 years old, and the trustees of Old Hutton Public Hall act as the hiree. If the hirer is uncertain about the interpretation of any of the conditions outlined below, they should reach out to the booking secretary for clarification.
The Public Hall has a premises license, a copy of which is displayed in the hall foyer. It covers provision of alcohol, late-night refreshments, musical entertainment, stage plays, the showing of films, music and dancing. Under the licence, the maximum number of people allowed in the hall is 120, but if seated, 80 including organisers and performers.
Use of Premises
The Hirer must not use the premises for any other purpose than that described in the hiring agreement and must not sub-hire or allow the premises to be used for any unlawful or unsuitable purpose. The hirer must not bring onto the premises anything which might endanger the premises or render invalid any insurance policies covering the premises.|
Hire Periods
The hall is available for use during the following times, contingent upon any license conditions: Monday to Sunday, subject to license conditions and availability. Any other periods of hire are subject to the discretion of the hall trustees. -
Conditions of hire:
5.1 The hall must be closed at the end of the period of hire and left in a clean, tidy and secure condition, also making sure that all lights and appliances are turned off and the gates leading to the rear car park are closed.
5.2 Fly posting: Hirers must be aware that local authorities do not allow fly posting, or any other form of unauthorised advertisement. They must not be carried out for events planned for the hall. The hirer must indemnify the hiree against any claims arising from any breach of this condition.
5.3 Noise: Hirers must ensure that the minimum of noise on arrival and departure, particularly late at night. When using the amplification system hirers must make sure that noise is limited to hall neighbours in accordance with the licensing conditions.
5.4 Supervision: Hirers are responsible for the supervision of the premises, the fabric and its contents, and behaviour of persons using the hall. Consideration of this condition extends to external public facilities such as the public car park and roadway.
5.5 Betting, Gaming and Lotteries: During the period of hire, the hirer should ensure that nothing shall be done which contravenes the law relating to betting, gaming and lotteries.
5.6 Electrical Appliance Safety: The hirer shall ensure that any electrical appliance brought by them and used in the hall shall be safe, in good working order, used in a safe manner and have an electrical safety certificate in accordance with the electricity at work regulations 1989.
5.7 Animals: The hirer must ensure that any animals brought into the hall must be always kept under control, or they may be asked to be removed if not.
5.8 Smoking: Smoking within the property is forbidden under the health act 2006, including vaping.
5.9 Adult Entertainment: Under no circumstances is the exhibition of adult films or entertainment permitted within the hall.
5.10 Bouncy Castles: Inflatable appliances such as bouncy castles are allowed to be erected in designated areas approved by the committee. The Hirer should however ensure a reputable supplier is used, including having adequate insurance.
5.11 Drink and Drugs: It is the Hirer’s responsibility to ensure that drunk and disorderly behaviour, as well as the distribution and use of illegal drugs, is strictly prohibited on the premises. Individuals found to be intoxicated, under the influence, or involved in drug-related activities will be reported to the police and required to leave the premises.
Sports Activities: When using the hall for any sports the appropriate indoor footwear should be worn.
Hire of the Hall: At the time of booking full payment will be required.
If the hirer cancels a booking the following will apply:
A. If the booking is cancelled within 7 days, then the hirer would lose the booking fee, however if transferred to a later date within 6 months this would be waivered.
B. The Village Hall reserves the right to cancel a written hiring agreement with the hirer in the event the premises are required for use of a polling Station for Parliamentary or Local Government Elections, force majeure.
Hirers Liability: The Hirer is liable for costs arising from either Accidental or Malicious damage or damage arising out of Negligence on behalf of the hirer. This not only to the contents of the hall but the fabric and curtilage of the hall and the car park.
Wi-Fi System: The hirer has full use of the Wi-Fi system, Overhead Projector and Screen which is set up within the hall. However malicious or inappropriate use of the system, accidental or malicious damage arising out of the hirers negligence will not be allowed.
Rights of Third Parties: None of the provisions of this agreement are intended to or will operate to confer any benefit pursuant to contracts (Rights of Third Parties act 1999) or any person not named as a party to this agreement.
Public Safety Compliance:
The Hirer acknowledges that they have received instructions on the following matters.
12.1 The position of the fire alarm box in case of having to isolate the fire sounders, due to being set off accidentally.
12.2 The Action required in case of fire, this includes calling the fire brigade, evacuating the hall to the muster point, which is in the public/church car park. (See attached map)
12.3 The location of all fire equipment as shown on the plans and symbols posted on the notice board in the entrance foyer. Please note it is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with all fire exits and firefighting equipment. That all fire exits are clear and exit doors unlocked plus escapes routes clear of obstruction.
12.4 All fire exit signs are always illuminated at all times when the premises are occupied.
12.5 The sighting of the First Aid Box, Accident Book within the hall and the Defibrillator by the front entrance.
12.6 The Hirer shall ensure that no highly flammable substances such as fireworks, naked lights, candles, oil lamps and floating lanterns and the like are brought into the hall at any time and at any event.
12.7 SAFTEY DRAWINGS including fire exits, smoke alarms, heat detectors, fire hydrant location -
End of document in compliance of public safety.